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Picture: INFN, Simone Schiavon




We are working on this page…

Picture: INFN, Simone Schiavon




We are working on this page…

Picture: INFN, Simone Schiavon


Data Science

Data Science

GW observatories



Virgo is a gravitational interferometer, i.e. a special kind of telescope designed to detect gravitational waves from astrophysical phenomena driven by gravity, such as supernova explosions or stellar mergers. However, gravitational waves are very different from any kind of light, therefore Virgo does not look at all like a telescope.

Virgo is an extremely sophisticated machine based on advanced, cutting-edge technologies, fundamental to detect these extremely faint gravitational signals. In fact, the passage of a gravitational wave will induce a deformation of a billionth of a billionth of a meter in the 3

Einstein Telescope

The ET (Einstein Telescope) project aims to the realization of a crucial research infrastructure in Europe: a third generation Gravitational Wave observatory.
ET has been supported as Design Study by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7, Grant Agreement 211743). This phase is concluded and a Conceptual Design Document has been released by the original 8 partners. Currently a new phase is open addressed to the realization of the ET scientific collaboration. This process started at the 9th ET symposium and will conclude with the definition of the rules and bodies of the collaboration. The next step will be the submission of the ET proposal to the 2020 updated of the ESFRI roadmap.

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