Municipality of Pisa and EGO: ‘Beyond the limit’, an event for schools dedicated to women in science

The Municipality of Pisa in collaboration with the European Gravitational Observatory and Virgo celebrates on February 11th the International Day of Women and Girls in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with an event dedicated to...

LVK announces an update of the observing schedule

As the third portion of the fourth observing run, O4c, is starting the LIGO – Virgo – KAGRA Collaboration is announcing an upcoming break from observing to dedicate some time to maintenance and commissioning work, and therefore an extension of the O4 run, that was...

Guido Pizzella, one of the fathers of gravitational wave research, has passed away

It is with great sorrow that we learn of the death of Guido Pizzella, one of the founding fathers of gravitational wave research. Together with Edoardo Amaldi, he founded experimental gravitational wave research in Italy in the early 1970s, designing and leading the...

Winners of the Virgo Award 2024 announced

Young researchers Mattia Boldrini (researcher at the Roma section of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics – INFN) and Enzo Tapia San Martín (researcher at the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics – Nikhef) are the winners of the fourth edition...

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