EGO is partner of several EU funded research projects in the fields of Multimessenger Physics, Computing, Citizen Science, Education and Outreach, and is a member of the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (ApPEC). In addition, EGO participates in the two Marie Skłodowska-Curie – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange projects “INTENSE” and “PROBES”, which promote short-term exchanges of researcher between Europe, US and Japan.
Since 2020, EGO contributes to the networking and joint research activities of “AHEAD2020″ – a large Research and Innovation Action, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme – and, since 2022 to the “Einstein Telescope- Preparation Phase” project, which is a Coordination and Support Action, funded under the Horizon Europe programme.
EGO is also partner of “PhysICs fOr all” (PICO), a MSCA-Citizen action funded under the Horizon Europe programme to support all citizens, and particularly young citizens, to increase their awareness of fundamental, cutting-edge physics and of the impact that discoveries in this field have on their everyday lives, with a specific focus on equity, diversity, accessibility, inclusion and gender equality.
In the past, EGO coordinated the “Science with and for Society” (SwafS) project “REINFORCE” (Research Infrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe), the COST Action G2NET, and the ET Design study. It was also leader of the ELiTES project, and partners of several other projects, including GraWIToN, FRONTIERS (Erasmus +), ESCAPE (H2020), and NEWS.
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