
Mar 1, 2012

About one year after h19, another editorial brings our thoughts back to the beautiful times we had with Stefano Braccini.
This time the sadness for missing Stefano is mitigated by the announcement of the winner of the “Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize”, that has been instituted in memory of Stefano by his friends. We publish in this issue the official report of the prize board, composed by Alain Brillet, Adalberto Giazotto and Steve Shore. We are happy since, as it is written in the report, the work of the jury has been made hard by the very high level of the competing thesis works. The authors of the best two theses will be invited to present their work in Cascina at the occasion of the Virgo week of next April.
In this issue, h21, Giovanni Losurdo’s article on the take-off of Advanced Virgo is the most relevant for our future. The design phase is almost complete and the action era has started. From now on the real contributions to the success will not be given by underlining difficulties and obstacles on our path. The real contribution to this commom enterprise will come from those who take problems on their own shoulders and offer solutions, making the advancement of the rest of the army both smooth and easy.

Chief Editor