The European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) opens a call for a one+one-year position in the context of the project ESCAPE. EGO is a French-Italian consortium founded by INFN and CNRS to foster European collaboration in gravitational wave research. EGO is located in Cascina, near Pisa – Italy, and hosts and operates the gravitational wave detector Virgo, a 3 km-long laser interferometer. The Virgo project involves the collaboration of about 25 laboratories with more than 300 scientists, engineers and technicians in France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and Spain. ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy and Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) is an EU funded project in the context of the Horizon 2020 Work Program. The chief objective of ESCAPE is to establish a single collaborative cluster of next generation ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) facilities in the area of astronomy-and accelerator-based particle physics in order to implement a functional link between the concerned ESFRI projects and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The successful candidate would will be part of the innovation group which will exploit new data processing approaches for Multi Messenger Astronomy, taking advantages of the Machine and Deep Learning techniques. She/he has also to work on customized processing and workflows, interfaces with the underlying distributed, large-scale computing infrastructure tuned to the needs of the Gravitational Waves observatory Network (IGWN) (EGO/Virgo, LIGO, KAGRA, etc) and other related ESFRI projects, in particular those related in the multi-messenger study of the Universe (e.g. CTA, KM3Net, LLST, etc.).
The candidate will work on GW data analysis pipelines using innovative solution for data analysis based on Machine Learning approaches.
All those tasks will require coordination with the projects and activities already ongoing in the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in particular in the fields of: bulk data handling, multi-messenger astronomy, data-analysis tools, low latency pipelines and public data dissemination for open science.
Essential required qualifications and experience
- Master degree in one of these fields: Physics, Astrophysics, Computer Science or Data Science.
- A few years of work experience related to computing and analysis aspects of Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology or related subjects.
- Expertise on time series processing is a plus.
- Knowledge of Machine Learning, Deep Learning.
- Python programming expertise required.
- Experience with some of those technologies will be highly beneficial:
- Containerization (such as Docker or Kubernets)
- Software development supporting tool such as:
- The CMake build and test toolchain.
- The Conda package and environment manager.
- The GitLab collaborative toolchain including Continuous Integration (CI)
- Knowledge of GPU programming.
- C++ programming expertise is a plus.
- Good knowledge of the English language; basic knowledge of Italian and/or French.
Personal skills
Ability to work in a team within an international and multidisciplinary environment.
General requirements
- No criminal convictions
- Driving license
Place of work
EGO – European Gravitational Observatory – via E. Amaldi 56021 Loc. S.Stefano a Macerata – Cascina (Pisa) ITALY.
Type of contract
One-year (renewable for one year) was Tecnologo (Technologist), according to the “Contratto Collettivo di Lavoro del Personale EGO” (EGO personnel collective bargaining agreement).
Selection procedure
The selection will be made considering candidate qualifications and experience. The first phase of the selection will be based on the examination of the CVs and Application Forms. The best candidates will be admitted to the final phase, which will consist of an interview.
How to apply?
Candidates can send their CV and the EGO Application Form (to be found here), to quoting the reference number of this vacancy notice.
Closing date for applications
January 15th, 2020
Start of contract
The earliest possible after February 3rd, 2020