A workshop on “Low-latency alerts & Data analysis for Multi-messenger Astrophysics” will be organized online on January 13th and 14th.
The aim of this workshop is to provide an overview of the existing and future developments from a data analysis perspective of the space-based and ground-based infrastructures, identify and discuss technical issues and foster new interactions and community building around the multi-messenger data analysis science and tools. The workshop, organized under the auspices of APPEC, is the first of a potential series if deemed useful by the community.
The roundtable sessions will foster discussions on the following
non-exhaustive list of topics:
– Coordinating European infrastructures for data analysis for space and ground-based observatories
– Research infrastructure partnerships for combination of messengers
– New analysis tools for the transient Universe, data format, sharing of results
– Efficient and scalable machine learning algorithms to identify best candidates for transients
– Big data needs (HPC, cloud computing)
– Building a community of experts for developing common libraries and tools
– EOSC and open data for observatories
– Collaboration at European level: what is the path to a common strategy?
For more information on the workshop and to register visit: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/25290/
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