Type of contract
Traineeship contract for a period of 4 months in the Interferometer Technology Department an in collaboration with INFN Pisa, funded by the EGO Consortium.
The Virgo interferometer is the most sensitive gravitational-wave detector in Europe. It was realized in partnership between the French and Italian institutes CNRS and INFN. It involves a wide collaboration of almost 200 scientists and engineers. After a deep modification of the interferometer, to give birth to a new generation detector called Advanced Virgo Plus (AdV+) that will use improved mirrors, higher laser power and signal recycling techniques to increase the sensitivity by one order of magnitude, the instrument is now being commissioned to become fully operative by the end of 2022.The EGO consortium (European Gravitational Observatory), located in Cascina, near Pisa –Italy, hosts the Virgo detector and has been also deeply involved in the design and construction of Advanced Virgo. Real-time control plays a key role in many parts of the project such as the mirrors position control as well as in other robotics applications like the Mobile Sensor Array project.
In this context, the goal of the internship is double. The real time feedback control of VIRGO test masses is based on clusters of digital signal processors (DSP). Software and firmware in use are now obsolete and need a complete restyling. The goal of current project is defining requirements for new software together with few test benches of critical parts and participation to tests for determining the obsolescence of used system.The second goal participate to the Mobile Sensor Array. The goal of the overall project is to create an array of mobile units hosting environmental sensors. Specific participation will be mainly in embedded Linux processors programming and control.
Applicants should be in their last years of study in electronic engineering, software engineering or similar. The work will be at a level of Master thesis (equivalent to thesis for “laurea specialistica” in Italian). English required. Good attitude to experimental work is mandatory.
Place of work
EGO – European Gravitational Observatory – Via Edoardo Amaldi cap 56021 Loc. Santo Stefano a Macerata – Cascina (Pisa) Italy. Given the lack of public transport to reach EGO, a driving license and a personal vehicle are strongly recommended.
Further information
For the whole duration of the traineeship, EGO will pay a gross monthly wage of 500,00 euro and offer the lunch service at its canteen during working days to the student.
How to apply
Interested candidates are invited to fill in the Internship Application Form and send it, together with the CV, to internships@ego-gw.it
Privacy policy
Controller: European Gravitational Observatory – email: ego-gw@pec.it
Responsible for data – email: privacy@ego-gw.it
Under Article 13 of UE Regulation (EU) 2016/79 of the European Parliament and of the Council, required personal data will be exclusively collected and treated for purposes strictly connected to the selection procedure also with the use of computerized procedures, according to current law and regulations concerning the implementation of this kind of activity.
Providing such data to EGO is necessary for the evaluation of participation requirements and of the holding of titles: failure to provide these data may compromise such evaluation.
Data will be kept only for the period required by the selection, evaluation and audit procedures.
EGO guarantees each person the right of access to personal data, as well as the rectification, or erasure or restriction of them, as well as the right to object to their processing; such requests shall be addressed to privacy@ego-gw.it
Closing date for applications
Until position is filled
Dott. Flavio Nocera
Electronics Group
Email: flavio.nocera@ego-gw.it
Phone: +39 050 752 368