Members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Physics Class, responsible for selecting the Nobel Prize winners in physics, visited the European Gravitational Observatory in Pisa this week.
The visit began with a tour of the Virgo interferometer and a series of seminars given by researchers from EGO and the Virgo collaboration, aimed at sharing the state of the art in gravitational wave research with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences group. On Thursday, the group travelled to the city of Pisa, for a visit to the Tower and the Museo della Grafica, where they met the city’s mayor Michele Conti for a welcome greeting before attending the historic Luminara di San Ranieri. On Friday, in Florence, the guests of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences had the opportunity to visit the Galileo Galilei Museum of the History of Science and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, one of the world’s most prestigious research and training institutions in the field of Restoration of Cultural Heritage, with which the National Institute of Nuclear Physics has established scientific cooperation relations.
The group consisted of Dainis Dravins (Professor of Astronomy, Lund University), Claes Fransson (Faculty Member Stockholm University Department of Astronomy), Ariel Goobar (Professor, Department of Physics, Stockholm University), Mats Carlsson (Professor, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo), Jan Olof Stenflo (Professor, Institute of Particle Physics and Astrophysics ETH Zürich) and Åke Nordlund (Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen).

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