LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA continue to work to prepare the detectors for the start of O4. Our ability to start O4 in March 2023 is currently under review. Unanticipated delays in some construction elements of LIGO has delayed the remaining detector commissioning. Virgo has achieved a stable operation of the interferometer and is now working to improve the sensitivity. Until we have more experience with full interferometer commissioning, large uncertainties remain in the readiness date and the sensitivity. In early January, we expect to be more confident about the plan for starting O4. We will give a new update on 15 January 2023. We are watching deadlines for proposals for telescope observing, and will strive to have a plan that allows next proposals to be made knowing the state of the gravitational-wave network.
The projected sensitivity of the detectors remains unchanged: LIGO projects a sensitivity goal of 160-190 Mpc for binary neutron stars. Virgo projects a target sensitivity of 80-115 Mpc. KAGRA should be running with greater than 1 Mpc sensitivity at the beginning of O4, and will work to improve the sensitivity toward the end of O4.
Scientists interested In joining the multimessenger community can check the OpenLVKEM pages for the timing and coordinates of telemeetings. We will hold calls on the third Thursday of each month through the end of the year. The schedule of calls is posted at the OpenLVKEM wiki, along with Agenda and pointers to material:;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!SQsxlFpynXuPn4nYO6Ip2-X9T7SXUUCwWJHZ3gsHpFU0OW_Z_5D3q778AYesQYfICtUWV-7IU7yCumSD7VHrcIcCEERydScSFQ$
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