Rules in Italy
Rules at EGO
To manage as well as possible the work during the difficult period of COVID-19, EGO has implemented a protocol whose purpose is to protect anyone who enters the EGO site.
This process applies to all members of the Virgo collaboration and EGO personnel and if refusing to comply with it, access to the EGO site will be refused.
Last update: 11/05/2022
Depending on the country of origin and duration of trip, it may be obligatory to have a negative COVID test of less than 48 hours if PCR or 24 hours if antigenic, (self administrated tests are not enough), you will need the official certificate to enter Italy, even if you are fully vaccinated, it is nevertheless strongly advised to do so.
The Decree-Law No. 1 of 07 January 2022 (in Italian), entered into force on January 8th, 2022, and its circular of Janyary 13th, 2022 (in Italian), provide, among other things, new measures regarding:
1. Extension of the vaccination obligation
From January 8th and until 15 June 2022, the vaccination obligation also applies to Italian citizens and citizens of other EU Member States residing in the State, who have reached the 50th year of age.
The aforementioned provision also applies to those who turn 50 years of age after the date of entry into force of this provision, without prejudice to the deadline of June 15, 2022.
As of 15 February 2022, employees of the private and public sectors, who have reached the 50th year of age or who will complete it by 15 June 2022, for access to workplaces within the national territory, they must possess and are required to exhibit the reinforced green pass.
2. Extension of the use of COVID-19 green certifications
Until March 31, 2022, access to the following services and activities within the national territory is allowed only to subjects in possession of the green basic pass or the reinforced green pass:
– public offices, postal, banking and financial services, commercial activities, except for those necessary to ensure the fulfillment of essential and primary needs of the person, (identified within fifteen days from the date of entry into force of this provision) from February 1st 2022.
Here you will find:
E considerato un contatto stretto una persona:
- che vive nella stessa casa di un caso Covid-19
- che ha avuto un contatto fisico diretto con un caso Covid-19 (per esempio la stretta di mano);
- che ha avuto un contatto diretto non protetto con le secrezioni di un caso Covid-19 (ad esempio toccare a mani nude fazzoletti di carta usati) ;
- che ha avuto un contatto diretto (faccia a faccia) con un caso Covid-19, a distanza minore di 2 metri e di almeno 15 minuti;
- che si è trovata in un ambiente chiuso con un caso Covid-19 in assenza di dispositivi di protezione idonei;
- che ha viaggiato seduta in treno, aereo o qualsiasi altro mezzo di trasporto entro due posti in qualsiasi direzione rispetto a un caso Covid-19; sono contatti stretti anche i compagni di viaggio e il personale addetto alla sezione dell’aereo/treno dove il caso indice era seduto.
Français - CAS CONTACT
Est considérée cas contact une personne :
- qui habite dans la même maison qu’un cas COVID-19
- qui a eu un contact physique avec un cas COVID-19 (par exemple une poignée de main)
- qui a eu un contact direct non protégé avec des sécrétions d’un cas COVID 19 (par exemple, toucher un mouchoir usagé à mains nues)
- qui a eu un contact direct (face à face) avec un cas de COVID-19, à une distance inférieure à 2 mètres et au moins 15 minutes
- qui a été dans un environnement fermé (par exemple un auditorium, une salle de réunion, une salle d’attente à l’hôpital) avec un cas COVID-19 en l’absence d’EPI adapté (Equipement de Protection Individuelle)
- qui a voyagé assise en train, en avion ou tout autre moyen de transport à moins de deux sièges dans n’importe quelle direction par rapport à un cas COVID-19; les compagnons de voyage et le personnel affecté à la section de l’avion / train où se trouvait le cas sont également des contacts étroits
Is considered as close contact a person:
- living in the same house of a COVID-19 case
- who had a physical contact with a COVID-19 case (for example a hand shake)
- who had a direct unprotected contact with secretions from a COVID 19 case (for example touching used kleenex with your hands)
- who had a direct contact (face to face) with a COVID-19 case, at a distance of less than 2 meters and at least 15 minutes
- who has been in a closed environment (for example an auditorium, a meeting room, a waiting room at the hospital) with a COVID-19 case in the absence of suitable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- who traveled seated by train, plane or any other means of transportation within two seats in any direction relative to a COVID-19 case; the travel companions and the staff assigned to the section of the plane/train where the case was sitting are also close contacts
If you intend to come to EGO in the next weeks, you will have to register by following the link below:
These information will help us having a vision of the number of people on site in order to avoid too many people at the same time and also help us to organize the lunches.
Rules at EGO
At the security guard you will have to:
- pass the badge to the reader of the entrance bar ((even on foot or by bicycle or as passengers in the car of colleagues) ;
- wear the face mask when indoor
To manage as well as possible the work during the difficult period of COVID-19, EGO has implemented a protocol whose purpose is to protect anyone who enters the EGO site.
This protocol explains, among others, the organization of the lunches at the EGO restaurant and the reorganization of the offices to respect the rules of social distancing.
Office maximum occupancy
In order to guarantee the maximum occupancy of each office, we opened a tool to book an office when you have to come to EGO, even if it is your own office (this tool is accessible to all collaborators using their usual credentials). Book an office at EGO
If you don’t have yet the key of the office you booked, please contact
We ask you to keep strictly these recommendations of maximum occupancy and we would like to warn you that we will make periodic checks.
Concerning the common rooms and especially the meeting rooms, the organiser of the meeting is responsible to keep the maximum number permitted in the room, otherwise he/she should choose a larger room or, as described in the general rules, ask part of the people to attend in remote from their offices. Here again, we ask you to keep these rules strictly.