EGO’s General Infrastructure Department is responsible for providing services, maintaining in operational condition and renewing civil engineering structures and infrastructure, as well as technical systems
present at the EGO site. In fact, scientific activities require the provision and maintenance of infrastructure and services in continuous operation 24 hours a day throughout the year.
The Department is also responsible for projects involving new constructions and upgrades of the infrastructure dedicated to the experiments that have been implemented since the first Virgo configuration
up to the advanced Virgo Plus with continuous commitment and development

Job & internship opportunities

Spontaneous job applications are more than welcome by sending to CVs and EGO application form to be found here.

As for internships, interested candidates are invited to fill in the Internship Application Form and send it, together with the CV, to

Via E. Amaldi,5
56021 Cascina (PI) – Italy
Tel +39 050 752511
Contact us
How to reach us

EGO is a consortium of