optics & CONTROLS
The department consists of 2 areas, each with specific competences in optics and controls. The department performs tasks and has roles concerning various aspects of the interferometer. It is involved in interferometer improvement activities, tuning, operation, scientific data taking. It provides support to other groups of the collaboration when they work on site and contributes to the installation.
Expertise in the optical area includes the development of high-power, low-loss optical components (currently used for injection, detection and squeezing benches), the study of scattered light and its reduction, the development of high-efficiency absorbers and baffles, and the optical simulation and characterisation activities that are crucial in interferometer design and operation. For Advanced Virgo Plus (AdV+), the group is responsible for the INJ system (laser injection system).
The competence of the Controls area includes the development and implementation of controls for interferometric gravitational wave detectors. It is involved in the design and commissioning of AdV+ configurations to bring the detector towards its best sensitivity. For AdV+, the group is responsible for the ISC system (interferometer measurement and control system).
Job & internship opportunities
Spontaneous job applications are more than welcome by sending to jobs@ego-gw.it CVs and EGO application form to be found here.
Via E. Amaldi,5
56021 Cascina (PI) – Italy
Tel +39 050 752511
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