Join Pride in STEM to celebrate the third annual LGBTQ+ STEM Day at the LGBTQ+ STEM Day Virtual Conference on 18th November, 2020 from 8am to 10am CET
The conference was recorded and is available here
Invited speakers:
From 8am to 8.30am, meet Grant David Meadors, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abstract: “Knowing our Sun: data fusion for optimizing space weather forecasts”
Space weather is the science of understanding and forecasting environmental conditions beyond our own atmosphere, from solar wind to magnetic fields. Mathematical models can be combined with satellite data using statistical techniques to make more accurate forecasts. In addition, we can simulate complicated hydrodynamics computationally to better understand the instabilities that emerge when creating fusion here on Earth. Modern data analytic techniques common across many STEM disciplines are informing our quest for knowledge about our Sun.
Slides available here
From 9am to 10am, Jan Jamie Eldridge, Associate Professor at the University of Auckland, will tell us about “Exploding stars and the myth of a gender binary“
In 2015 with the detection of gravitational waves from two merging black holes a new way to understand the evolution of stars was opened. I will summarize how multiple explosions within binary stars are important for the evolution of stars, galaxies and the Universe. I’ll also talk about exploding the myth of a gender binary and how we can all work to make society and academia more welcoming for everyone.
Slides available here and here
Each presentation will be followed by a discussion
How to participate to the event?
The conference will held on zoom at the link below. No registration is required.
LGBTQ+ STEM Day Virtual Conference
18 nov. 2020 08:00 CET
Participate to the virtual conference
This event is a space that supports and welcomes all LGBTQ+ people around the world, but especially those with intersecting marginalised identities. By joining this event you are agreeing to the following code of conduct which will be in place during all interactions associated with this event (through moderation and reporting), and the violation of which will lead to ejection from the event:
- No harassment or negative comments based on race/ethnicity, gender (including gender identity), sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical appearance, citizenship, or other protected categories;
- No threatening or endangerment of other participants, including the moderators, via text, video or images;
- No unwelcome sexual attention;
- No encouragement of any of the above behaviours;
About the Diversity Group
The Virgo diversity group formed some years ago and became more active shortly after the Black Lives Matter protests that erupted in May 2020 in response to the killing of an unarmed black person in the US. It aims to foster a collaborative environment within Virgo and create safe space for people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, cultures and physical or mental abilities. Because of the group’s popularity and persistence, we have been able to organize a diversity session at each LIGO and Virgo collaboration meeting that has occurred since the BLM protests. We aim to raise awareness of the minorities that exist within Virgo and to highlight the benefits of creating an equal and inclusive community.
- Tania Regimbau (Chair)
- Andrew Miller (co-organizer of the event)
- Samaya Nissanke (co-organizer of the event)