On Friday 24 September at 21.00, on the occasion of BRIGHT NIGHT, the European Researchers’ Night, the event “Lo Spazio e i Sensi” will be held at La Nunziatina, Pisa. A night of science and music, organised by the European Gravitational Observatory of Pisa, on the many ways we can explore and listen to the cosmos, as well as the world around us, in the name of diversity and inclusion.
The guests will be two exceptional protagonists of scientific research: Marica Branchesi, internationally renowned for her contribution to the birth of so-called Multi-Messenger Astronomy, and Wanda Diaz-Merced, a blind astronomer of Puerto Rican origin, one of the global leaders in research into the sonification of astronomical signals. Stavros Katsanevas, director of the European Gravitational Observatory, will speak with them. The conversation between space, sounds and gravitational waves will be accompanied by music from the Italian-Greek singer Marina Mulopulos.
The event is free while places last and will also be streamed on this Facebook page.
Event organized in the framework of the EU citizen science project
Reinforce and with the partecipation of AHEAD 2020 researchers.
Here you can see a full recording of the event: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=605762537264745
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