On March 4th and 5th 2024 EGO will be hosting the “Workshop on the synergies between astrophysics and geoscience”, organized within the AHEAD2020 (Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics) project, funded under the Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Program.
The AHEAD2020 main goal is to integrate and open research infrastructures for high energy and multi-messenger astrophysics. Within the AHEAD2020 project, EGO leads the Networking Activities (NA) for the synergies between the Gravitational Wave and High Energy Astrophysics community. One of the key objectives is to organize an extended European scientific network on the synergies between gravitational wave research, high energy multi-messenger and geoscience observatories in detector development and the respective science goals.
The workshop will be held in hybrid format, with participation in presence at the European Gravitational Observatory and remote connection with Zoom. There is no fee for participation.
The deadline to submit papers and to register is February 15, 2024.
The provisional agenda and further details are available here: https://indico.ego-gw.it/event/666/
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