This week, from the 28th to the 30th of September, EGO is hosting the workshop “Machine Learning in GW search: g2net next challenges”, organised by the CA17137 G2net COST Action. The goal of this COST Action is exploring, building on past work, the tremendous opportunity of the systematic application of Machine Learning , Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to gravitational waves detection and Geophysics.
This workshop will showcase the results obtained so far by the working groups of G2net, in order to discuss the state-of-the-art, as well as future challenges, of Machine Learning applied to gravitational wave research. The program will also include contributions from machine learning experts in different research areas.
“We are almost reaching the end of this great adventure.” said Elena Cuoco, G2Net chair, “I’m very proud of the team we built, the results achieved, but above all about the huge involvement of young researchers and students in the project”.
A huge involvement that reflects also on the participation to this workshop, with 120 attendees from more than 50 universities, research institutes and companies all over the world already registered both in person at EGO and remotely, including four invited speakers.
You can learn more about the workshop here:
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