Today is International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day promoted by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.
To celebrate this day we are happy to announce that we’ll be hosting a live event on the Instagram account shared with the LIGO Collaboration, @ligo_virgo, on Wednesday February 15th at 4 PM. During the Instagram live we will connect with a number of LIGO-Virgo scientists who tell us all about their work in gravitational wave detection and will show us around the places where they work.
This event is part of the initiative “Women of Virgo”, a series of posts+reels interviewing women of the Virgo Collaboration about their lives and careers, created in collaboration with the VECS (Virgo Early Career Scientists) group. You can find all the interviews published so far on our social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram LIGO-Virgo, Instagram EGO-Virgo (IT), and below.
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