Second Einstein Telescope Annual Meeting in Orsay

Oct 24, 2023

The second Einstein Telescope Annual Meeting of the ET Scientific Collaboration will take place from November 14th to November 16th 2023 in Orsay, France. The meeting is hosted by the “Gravitational waves” group of the Astroparticles, Astrophysics and Cosmology (A2C) department of the Irène Joliot-Curie Laboratoire des deux infinis (IJCLab) and will take place in the IJCLab Lehmann auditorium (building 200) in the campus of the Paris-Saclay University.

The First ET Annual meeting took place in November last year at EGO, and now the growing collaboration meets again. Hundreds of scientists from all over Europe are joining in person and remotely to discuss challenges, projects and next steps towards Europe’s third generation gravitational wave detector, Einstein Telescope. After 16 months of its foundation, the ET collaboration counts more than 1500 members (1536) belonging to 217 institutions, distributed over 24 countries and organized in 84 Research Units.

ET Annual Meeting will be followed by a Sustainability Workshop organized within the work package 9 of the ET Preparatory Phase Project, which EGO co-leads. 


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