From October 21st to october 23rd EGO will host AHEAD 2020’s “Data analysis for Multi-messenger Astrophysics” Workshop, with the aim to provide an overview of the existing and future developments from a data analysis perspective of the space-based and ground-based infrastructures, identify and discuss technical issues and foster new interactions and community building around the multi-messenger data analysis science and tools.
A key objective of the AHEAD 2020 networking activities is to establish a solid European scientific network for high-energy astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Physics with a focus on multi-messenger research, and particular emphasis on theoretical research activities.
The workshop is the final of a series of events organized in the past years to discuss the roadmap of convergence and the preparation of the future steps. There is no fee for participation. The workshop will be held in presence at the European Gravitational Observatory and is organized under the aegis of APPEC.
For more information:
Via E. Amaldi,5
56021 Cascina (PI) – Italy
Tel +39 050 752511
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