interferometer TECHNOLOGy

The department currently consists of 3 areas, each with specific competencies in electronics, services and noise control.
The department performs a wide range of tasks and occupies a wide range of roles concerning aspects of the interferometer. It is mainly and heavily involved in interferometer improvement activities, set-up, operation, scientific data taking, and relevant services and support. It provides support to other groups in the collaboration when they work on site and contributes to the installation.


It includes the study, characterisation and mitigation of noise. It is deeply involved in the design and commissioning of AdV+ configurations.

operation services

The Services area takes care of the Operator Service, the implementation of software tools necessary for the Operator’s work, special handling (optical tables, mechanical suspensions, mirrors), support during work inside the towers, assembly and wiring of high vacuum components.


Expertise in the Electronics area includes design, prototyping, implementation and troubleshooting of linear servo control systems, precision analogue and RF instrumentation, sensor interface circuits. It deals with the design, construction, testing, installation and validation of analogue and digital electronic components and systems used for instrumentation and control.

Job & internship opportunities

Spontaneous job applications are more than welcome by sending to CVs and EGO application form to be found here.

As for internships, interested candidates are invited to fill in the Internship Application Form and send it, together with the CV, to

Via E. Amaldi,5
56021 Cascina (PI) – Italy
Tel +39 050 752511
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How to reach us

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