closed internship
EGO robotized seismic array project
Type of contract Traineeship contract for a period of 5 months in the Interferometer Technology Department, in the Noise&Control Group, funded...
Experimental and data-analysis activities related to the commissioning of the Virgo gravitational-wave detector
Type of contract Traineeship contract for a period of 5 months within the EGO Noise&Controls laboratory in the Interferometer Technology...
EGO robotized seismic array project
Type of contract Traineeship contract for a period of 5 months in the Interferometer Technology Department, in the Noise&Control Group, funded...
Firmware and software for real-time control applications
Type of contract Traineeship contract for a period of 4 months in the Interferometer Technology Department an in collaboration with INFN Pisa,...
Firmware and software for real-time control applications
a beam impinging on the Quadrant-Photo-Detectors
In this internship we propose to realize the experimental set up and test the procedure to determine the presence of a stray beam and evaluate the beam size.
Experimental characterization of
a beam impinging on the Quadrant-Photo-Detectors
In this internship we propose to realize the experimental set up and test the procedure to determine the presence of a stray beam and evaluate the beam size.
Scattered light measurements
(TIS and BRDF)
Type of contractTraineeship contract for a period of 4 months within the EGO Optics laboratory in the Interferometer Technology Department, funded...
Fiber induced optical phase noise mitigation and cancellation
In this frame, in the optics lab of EGO, the student will build an optical set-up (interferometer) able to measure the optical phase noise, artificially inject…
Characterization and mitigation of vibration and
magnetic noise sources for the Virgo GW detector
The study of these sources proceeds through some steps. First, noise of the source is characterized by measuring its propagation through arrays of…
Assembly of Optical components of an EPR
tabletop for broadband Quantum Noise reduction
During this internship, the student will participate to the installation and will be in charge to align and test the optical elements that will be installed on the bench.