The European Gravitational Observatory, in the context of REINFORCE, is organising a dedicated course for senior citizens to bring them closer to critical aspects of physics and science. The course is staggered across 10 different lessons, each tackling a different core subject. These subjects span from gravitational waves, to cosmology, relativity and the tight connection between art and science. The course will also introduce the REINFORCE demonstrator projects, available on Zooniverse, and will conclude with the attendees enjoying a final visit to the EGO site for a guided tour of the VIRGO interferometer.
Course tutors include lecturers, professors and researchers in physics from the University of Pisa, the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics and EGO, as well as members of the REINFORCE project.
Please, take a look at the brochure below to have the complete overview, timetable and schedule of the course:
Via E. Amaldi,5
56021 Cascina (PI) – Italy
Tel +39 050 752511
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