EGO joins EU project PICO

EGO joins EU project PICO

We are happy to announce that EGO is a partner of the newly launched European Project PICO  (PhysICs fOr all). The project aims to support all citizens to increase their awareness of fundamental, cutting-edge physics and of the impact that discoveries in this field...

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Decades of cutting-edge physics research has provided us with major discoveries and launched impressive initiatives in the “Physics of the two Infinites”, i.e. the Physics of the very big and the Physics of the very small. From the exploration of both the immense and the minuscule realms of the universe to the precise measurement of particles like the Higgs boson.

Despite these achievements, a gap exists between research in physics and public awareness, which could fuel misconceptions and anti-intellectual attitudes. To this end, PhysICs fOr all – PICO (GA n. 101162413) – aims to support all citizens to increase their awareness of fundamental, cutting-edge physics and of the impact that discoveries in this field have on their everyday lives with a specific focus on kids and their families.

PICO will organise and coordinate Researchers’ Night activities and satellite events in 4 EU countries (Greece, Italy, France, Spain). EGO is the leading partner for WP3-European Researchers’ Night and actively contribute to WP2-Equity, Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion and WP4- Researchers at Schools. During the project, EGO will host on-site and remote visits to the Virgo interferometer and contribute to the awareness campaign through a mobile van travelling to reach remote locations in Italy and possibly abroad.

The European Researchers’ Nights, will take place on Friday 27 September 2024 and 26 September 2025. Further information will be displayed on this webpage and on the website of the Project: https://picoproject.eu



Duration:  24 months (start date: 01 April 2024)

Role: Partner


Via E. Amaldi,5
56021 Cascina (PI) - Italy
Tel +39 050 752511
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